Display: 1-25 of 48 Results

Socialist Reform Politics (October 3, 1969)

Propaganda Photo: Land Reform in the Soviet Occupation Zone (September 1945)

Excerpt from the Currency Reform Resolution Passed by the Central Committee of the SED (June 22, 1948)

Communiqué on the Meeting of the Council of Ministers of the German Democratic Republic (June 11, 1953)

From a Resolution Passed by the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party: The “New Course” and the Party’s Objectives (July 26, 1953)

Interview with East Berliners about the Currency Reform in the GDR (October 20, 1957)

Oskar Lafontaine (January 24, 1997)

The Red-Green Government Lowers Income Taxes (July 15, 2000)

Truck Blockade in Schwerin (September 13, 2000)

Introduction of the “Riester Pension” (May 11, 2001)

Chancellor Gerhard Schröder Introduces “Agenda 2010” (March 14, 2003)

The German Council of Economic Experts Urges Further Reforms (November 13, 2002)

Chancellor Gerhard Schröder at a Special SPD Party Conference on Agenda 2010 (June 1, 2003)

Protest on the Sidelines of the BDI Congress (September 22, 2003)

ATTAC Protest against Agenda 2010 (August 14, 2003)

Unions Mobilize against Agenda 2010 (May 24, 2003)

Gasoline Price Hike (October 12, 2002)

Popular Outrage against Cuts in Unemployment Benefits (August 9, 2004)

The Path to New Elections in September 2005 (May-June 2005)

Ulla Schmidt, Federal Minister for Health and Social Affairs, Discusses Health Reform with Demonstrators (February 19, 2004)

Federal Minister of the Environment Jürgen Trittin Defends the Eco-Tax (April 20, 2004)

Bitter Legacy. The Social Democrats and the Hartz Reforms (2012)

The FDP, the Party of Neoliberalism (May 11, 2006)

Pharmacists Protest against Healthcare Reform (November 8, 2006)

Demonstration during the Meeting of the Federalism Commission (February 16, 2006)