Display: 1-15 of 15 Results

Ernst Moritz Arndt, “The German Fatherland” (1813)

Portrait of Ernst Moritz Arndt (1817)

Carl Schurz on Becoming a Supporter of Republican Government during the Revolution of 1848 (Retrospective Account, 1913)

Lacquer Box with Portrait of Friedrich Hecker (c. 1850)

Karl Marx in Exile in London (1849)

Friedrich Engels (c. 1862)

Moritz Daniel Oppenheim, Portrait of Heinrich Heine (1831)

Ludwig Börne, Letters from Paris (1833)

Julius Fröbel, Letters from Exile (1849–1857)

Speech by Friedrich Gottlieb Schulz on the Question of German Overseas Emigration, from the Frankfurt Constituent National Assembly (1849)

Lion Feuchtwanger, “Thou Shalt Dwell in Houses Thou Hast Not Builded” (March 20, 1935)

Anti-Fascist Imagery: “This is the Salvation They are Bringing Us!”. (June 29, 1938)

Thomas Mann, “German Listeners!” (July 1942)

Thomas Mann in the Studio of an American Radio Station (c. 1940)

“A Poor Fool”: Caricature of Einstein in Response to his Application for Emigration, Deutsche Tageszeitung (April 1, 1933)