Display: 651-675 of 681 Results

A farmer from West Germany Works at an Agricultural Production Cooperative (March 30, 1960)

Memorial Celebration at Ravensbrück (May 1, 1955)

Forced Collectivization of Agriculture in the GDR (1960)

Ironworks Combine at Eisenhüttenstadt (November 1959)

The Escape and Capture of Adolf Eichmann (1960)

Israel Admits to the Arrest of Eichmann in Argentina (June 8, 1960)

GDR Radio Broadcast about the Eichmann Trial (April 11, 1961)

Why Don’t Our Parents Tell the Truth? (August 1959)

Argentina, an “Eldorado for Nazis” (June 11, 1960)

Rolf Helm, Department Chief in the East German Ministry of Justice: Reparations in West Germany (1958)

Adolf Eichmann Defines the Term “Sonderbehandlung” during His Trial (July 18, 1961)

German-Jewish Emigrés Receive Legal Assistance in the Office of the United Restitution Organization (URO) in Tel Aviv (February 20, 1966)

Eichmann Tracked Down in Argentina June 8, 1960)

“The Foreign Workers and Us,” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (June 3, 1961)

“A Twen Stroll through Berlin” (1960)

Structural Change in the Workforce (1950–1970)

Greek Female Laborers in a Canning Factory in Southwest Germany (November 21, 1960)

Erich Ollenhauer Demands a More Equitable Education System (1956)

Modern Household Appliances (April 1960)

The Living Conditions of Labor Migrants in North Rhine Westphalia (October 21, 1960)

Fashion Show in Potsdam (May 5, 1955)

“Being In Love in 1960” - Street Interviews with East Berliners (June 6, 1960)

What Tenants Want: Modern Apartments and Well-Designed Furniture (1956)

“Bachelor Paradise” (1959)

Stalinstadt (later: Eisenhüttenstadt) (1960)