Display: 1-25 of 35 Results

A Radical Rethinks Terrorist Violence after the Murder of Chief Federal Prosecutor Siegfried Buback (April 25, 1977)

Excerpts from the Staats-Lexikon: “Relations between the Sexes” (1845–48)

Commercial Marriage Brokerage and Bohemian Life in the Big City: Excerpts from Ernst Dronke, Berlin (1846)

Conservative Criticism of Women’s Activism (1852)

A Conservative Folklorist on Social Class and Gender Roles (1852)

Debate of the Bill by Deputy August Schwingenstein (CSU) and Others in the Bavarian Landtag [State Parliament] Concerning the Protection of Youth against Immoral Influences (1948)

Director Willi Forst and the Making of Die Sünderin (1951)

The Scandal Surrounding Die Sünderin [The Sinner] (1951)

The Debate about Film Censorship: Die Sünderin (1951)

“A Sin against the Cinematic Arts”: East German Review of Die Sünderin (1951)

Die Sünderin Causes Moral Outrage (1951)

Pastoral Sermon by Cardinal Frings against the Film Die Sünderin (February 28, 1951)

“The Great Head-wagging about Young People” (1956)

The Federal Constitutional Court Rules on the Constitutionality of Paragraph 175 (1957)

West German Review of the Film Anders als du und ich (November 6, 1957)

Emperor Joseph II’s Instructions to All His Government Officials on the Principles of Fulfilling Their Duty (December 13. 1783)

Flogging of a Woman (1783)

True Happiness (1784)

The Sanctity of Marriage (1750)

The Punishment of Prostitutes in Vienna (1782)

Giving to the Sick and the Needy (1750)

The Industrious Student (c. 1740)

Territorial Ordinances for the Principality of Saxe-Altenburg (1705)

“The Education of the Countryman in Lippe” (1789)

A Protestant Pastor on Courtship and Marriage among Propertied Farmers and Tenant Farmers in Westphalia (1786)