Display: 1-17 of 17 Results

Emperor Joseph II on the Structure and Political Condition of the Austrian Monarchy and the Holy Roman Empire (1767/68)

Archduke Joseph II, “Political Daydreams” [Rêveries politiques] (1763)

Emperor Joseph II’s Instructions to All His Government Officials on the Principles of Fulfilling Their Duty (December 13. 1783)

Empress Maria Theresa Appraises the Character of Joseph II, her Son and Co-Regent (September 14, 1776)

Exchange of Letters between Empress Maria Theresa and her Son, Joseph II, on the Subject of Religious Toleration (1777)

Joseph II’s Edict of Toleration for the Jews of Lower Austria (January 2, 1782)

Emperor Joseph II’s Toleration Patent for the Lands of the Austrian Empire (1781)

Joseph II, Letter to Austrian Chancellor and Bohemian Governor Heinrich Cajetan Count von Blümegen on the Reform of Higher Education in the Austrian Empire (November 29, 1781)

Joseph II Plows a Field near Slavikovice on August 19, 1769 (Late 18th Century)

Allegorical Depiction of the Peace of Teschen of May 13, 1779 (c. 1800)

Satirical Depiction of the Dissolution of the Monasteries as Decreed by Joseph II (c. 1783)

Allegorical Depiction of Joseph II’s Edict of Toleration of 1781 (1782)

Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor (2nd Half of the 18th Century)

Emperor Joseph II’s Penal Patent [Strafpatent] governing Manorial Courts in the Countryside (September 1, 1781)

Emperor Joseph II’s Patent on Serfdom [Leibeigenschaft] (November 1, 1781)

Emperor Joseph II’s “Buying-In” Patent (November 1, 1781)

Emperor Joseph II’s Taxation and Urbarial Patent (1789)