Display: 1-16 of 16 Results

Portrait of Ernst Moritz Arndt (1817)

Portrait of the Poet August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben as a Young Man (1819)

Friedrich Schlegel (1816)

Joseph Stieler, Portrait of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1828)

Johann Peter Eckermann (c. 1825)

Moritz Daniel Oppenheim, Goethe Surrounded by Illustrations from his Works (c. 1835)

Carl Spitzweg, The Poor Poet (1839)

PEN Meeting (1964)

Friedrich Hölderlin, Andenken (1803)

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Faust (1772-1775)

Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller (1793)

Goethe in His Frankfurt Study, Self-Portrait (1770-73)

Friedrich Hölderlin (1792)

Andreas Gryphius, To a Maiden of High Birth (17th century)

Andreas Gryphius, Menschliches Elende (1637)

Paul Fleming, An sich (1636)