Display: 1-25 of 34 Results

Sister Cities Bonn and Oxford: Sign in Front of the Koblenz Gate in Bonn (1987)

Berlin Panorama (c. 1840)

Center of Leipzig (c. 1850)

The New Theater in Berlin (c. 1825)

The School of Architecture in Berlin (c. 1835)

Jewish Population in Central European Cities (1871–1910)

The Health Office of the City of Düsseldorf on General Health Conditions (1946)

“What You Won’t Read in Baedeker. A Short Travel Guide through the Eastern Zone” (1947)

The Situation of Young People in Aachen (1947)

From the City of Aachen’s Social Report on Family Housing (1947)

Graphic Map of Wartime Destruction in German Cities (1947)

Article about the Hamburg Club “Existenzialistenkellerchen” (1952)

Refugees in Transit in Ulm (September 1945)

Street and Square Name Changes in German Cities after 1933

Presentation of the Logo for the Project "Weimar – European Capital of Culture, 1999" (March 20, 1997)

A Festive Opening Ceremony with Fireworks over the Goethe-Schiller Memorial: Weimar is the Cultural Capital of Europe in 1999 (February 2, 1999)

Vienna City Map (1778)

Major Construction Site in Downtown Leipzig (August 3, 1999)

The Opening of Hamburg’s Elbphilharmonie (January 11, 2017)

A New High-Speed Train Connects Berlin and Munich (2017)

The Appeal of the Berlin Metropolis (July 6, 2006)

Crowded Cities, Deserted Countryside (July 9, 2015)

Berlin City Map (1737)

King Frederick William III and His Ministers Stein and Schrötter, “Ordinance for All Cities of the Prussian Monarchy” (November 19, 1808)

Childhood in Rostock, on the Baltic Coast (1807)