Display: 51-75 of 141 Results

“Traitor” (1944)

Walter Gross’s Radio Speech on Race to German Youth (October 10, 1934)

The Eternal Jew (1940)

Jews as Sexual Predators (1935)

Flyer with Rules for Protecting the Purity of the Race (c. 1935)

Olympia (1938)

Film Poster for The Gods of the Stadium (1938)

Questionnaire on Tobacco Abuse and Lung Cancer (1939) and Himmler’s Declaration against Alcohol Abuse (December 1937)

Goebbels Announcing the Boycott of Jewish Retailers (April 1, 1933)

“Behind the Enemy Powers: the Jew” (1941)

“He is to Blame for the War!” (1943/44)

German Labor Front Poster: “Beauty of Labor” (1934)

The Fight against Unemployment: Display by the Reich Ministry of Labor (1934)

Workers Shortly before the Completion of a New Section of the Reich Autobahn (1936)

Poster Warning against “Coal Theft” (1943)

Propaganda Poster by the Mother and Child Relief Agency (1935)

Infant Care Course at the School for Stay-at-Home Mothers in Oberbach/Röhn (1937)

Joseph Goebbels Gives a Present to a Child during a Winter Relief Fund Event (December 1, 1936)

Magda Goebbels at Home with her Children (1938)

“The Cross of Honor for the German Mother”: Three-Tiered Medal for Mothers with Four or More Children (1938)

Hermann Göring at his Desk (June 1939)

The “Sacrificial Spirit” of the Youth on Film: Hitlerjunge Quex (1933)

Horst Wessel School Minutes (1933–1945)

Election Propaganda on the Church Steps – the Church Elections in Berlin (July 1933)

Der Stürmer: The Devil Feeds Anti-NS Slogans to a Catholic Priest (May 1938)