Display: 26-50 of 111 Results

OMGUS Survey: How do the Germans View the Lastenausgleich? (November 1948)

Germany after the Second World War (September 1, 1945)

Warning against Fraternization (1945)

The Establishment of the Allied Control Council (June 5, 1945)

“Regarding the Defeat of Germany” – The Allied Commanders-in-Chief in Berlin (June 5, 1945)

Report on the Nuremberg Trials (March 15, 1946)

The Verdicts in the Krakow Auschwitz Trial (1948)

Ulrich Scheuner, Remarks on the Legal Status of “Displaced Persons” in Germany (December 14–15, 1948)

Marion Gräfin Dönhoff, “People on the Train” (September 18, 1947)

A DP Camp in Wetzlar (June 1945)

National Commemoration of “Day of Liberation” (May 8, 1955)

Reinhard Heydrich’s Mercedes after Suffering Heavy Damage in the Ambush (May 27, 1942)

Diary Entries on the Nazi Terror in France (1941)

“He is to Blame for the War!” (1943/44)

Captured French-African Soldiers (1940)

Fritz Sauckel’s Labor Mobilization Program (April 20, 1942)

Employment of Women in Armament Factories (May 7, 1940)

Polish Youths Forced to do Heavy Labor in Luckenwalde (Summer 1940)

Forced Laborers in Wartime Germany (1939–45)

Women from the Soviet Union are Transported to Germany to Perform Forced Labor (1942)

Himmler’s Secret Directive on the Care of All Legitimate and Illegitimate Children of “Good Blood” (October 28, 1939)

Reich Ministry of Labor Policy on the Rejection of Labor Conscription for Married Women (September 7, 1939)

“The East Needs You!” Recruitment Brochure for Women Settlement Advisors (n.d.)

Emergency Graves under Destroyed Train Tracks in Berlin (1945)

Symphony Concert in Hanover (1940/41)