Display: 1-25 of 27 Results

Helmut Schmidt at the Chancellor’s Ball (1977)

Directive on Programming for Light Music and Dance Music (January 2, 1958)

The Beginning of the Heimat-Film Boom: Dream Couple Sonja Ziemann and Rudolf Prack (1951)

Actress Romy Schneider (March 1956)

Film Festival in Berlin (1955)

The Character of Leisure Time in Capitalism and Socialism (1961)

Pro and contra Jazz: Joachim-Ernst Behrendt and Theodor W. Adorno (1953)

Article about the Hamburg Club “Existenzialistenkellerchen” (1952)

The Hamburg Gasworks Jazz Band Plays at “Captain’s Cabin” in Hamburg (1955)

Rock 'n' Roll at a Berlin Dance Hall (1955)

Film Poster for Die Halbstarken (1956)

Young People in Front of a Movie Theater in Hamburg-St. Pauli (1948)

“A Twen Stroll through Berlin” (1960)

Nazi Film Review: “The Audience is by No Means as Foolish” (August 26, 1934)

Popular entertainment: Hallo, Janine (1939)

“Wunschkonzert” Radio Show Propaganda Publication (December 1940)

Symphony Concert in Hanover (1940/41)

Christian Bock, “What are People Reading?” A Questionnaire in Berlin Book Stores (1940)

Trailer for Die grosse Liebe (1942)

The Ball (c. 1635)

Raree-Show Images of a Noblemen’s Ball (c. 1730)

Village Dance (1678)

Ostalgie on TV: Ein Kessel DDR [A GDR Potpourri] (August 20, 2003)

A Folk Music Television Show Sentimentalizes Rural Germany (2006)

Johann Jakob Froberger, Suite in A Minor (17th century)