Display: 1-25 of 42 Results

Carl von Clausewitz, Excerpts from On War (1832)

Helmuth von Moltke, Memorandum on the Effect of Improvements in Firearms on Battlefield Tactics (1861)

Prince Kraft zu Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen, Observations on the State of the Austrian Army in 1854 (Retrospective Account)

Summary of Hitler’s Meeting with the Heads of the Armed Services on November 5, 1937 (Hossbach Protocol of November 10, 1937)

Werner von Blomberg, Hermann Göring, Werner von Fritsch, and Adolf Hitler at the “Reich Party Rally for Work,” Nuremberg (September 1937)

SOPADE Report: No War Enthusiasm (September-October 1939).

Excerpts from Hitler’s Speech before the first “Greater German Reichstag” (January 30, 1939)

Protest against the Iraq War (January 26, 1991)

The Kosovo War and the Greens (May 13, 1999)

Pacifism in the Federal Republic (January 2003)

Demonstration against the War in Iraq (February 15, 2003)

Signing of the Second Minsk Agreement (February 12, 2015)

Europe and the United States (May 31, 2003)

The Battle of Kahlenberg: Imperial Troops Defeat the Turks on September 12, 1683 (Late 17th Century)

The Turkish Siege of Vienna in the Year 1683 (c. 1685)

William III of Orange (1701)

Frederick II (“the Great”) Contemplates His Fate after the Battle of Kolin on June 18, 1757 (1794)

Frederick William von Steuben (c. 1790)

Liberty Pole (1792)

Capitulation Negotiations in Mainz in October 1792 (19th century)

The Siege of Mainz on October 22, 1792 (1793)

Commemorative Diagram of the Siege of Stralsund in the Year 1715 (1718)

The Battle of Fehrbellin on June 28, 1675 (c. 1675)

Prince Eugene of Savoy and His General Staff at the Battle of Zenta on September 11, 1697 (1712)

Broadside Depicting the Destruction of Heidelberg (1689) under the Leadership of French General Mélac