Display: 1-14 of 14 Results

Jewish Synagogue, Oranienburger Strasse (c. 1885)

Jewish Civic Leader Emil Lehmann (1894)

Jewish Reactions to “The New Situation” (February 2, 1933)

Shoemaker’s Apprenticeship Program for Members of the Jewish Community in Berlin (1935)

The American Jewish Committee Assesses the Situation of the Jews in Germany (March 1, 1935, and June 1, 1937)

Private Home Videos II: Jewish Life in Prewar Europe (1936–39)

Jewish Daily Life in Prewar Nazi Germany (1934–38)

Spanish Class for Members of the Berlin Jewish Community Who Were Willing to Emigrate (1935)

Card Commemorating a Bar Mitzvah (1933)

The Old Jewish Cemetery in Fürth (1705)

Itzig Behrend, Chronicle of a Jewish Family in Hesse-Kassel, c. 1800-1840 (published posthumously, 1893)

Jewish Museum in Berlin (August 17, 2004)

The Commander of Imperial Jewry—Josel von Rosheim (c. 1480–1554)

Regulating Jewish Life—Ordinance by Landgrave George I of Hesse (1585)