Display: 1-15 of 15 Results

A South German View of Liberal Capitulation (April 1868)

Southern Germany and the North German Confederation (April 11, 1868)

Grand Duke Karl Friedrich of Baden, “Legal Provisions Concerning the Jews of the Sixth Constitutional Edict” (June 4, 1808)

High Princely Church Order for Württemberg (1743)

School Reform in Baden: Edict Issued by Margrave Karl Friedrich von Baden (May 13, 1803)

Karl Friedrich, Grand Duke of Baden (Early 19th Century)

Margrave Karl Friedrich von Baden, Proclamation of the Abolition of Serfdom in Baden (July 23, 1783)

On Child Rearing in the Villages of the Southern German Principality of Ansbach (1787)

Law Governing Divorce in the Grand Duchy of Baden (1809)

A Swabian Cobbler-Farmer Survives the Thirty Years War – Hans Heberle (1672)

An Abbot Negotiates with his Rural Subjects—Weingarten (Upper Swabia) (1432)

The Grievances of Rural Subjects—Kempten (Upper Swabia) (1492)

Grievances and Demands—The Twelve Articles of the Swabian Peasants (February 27–March 1, 1525)

Taking Control of Village Religion—Wendelstein (Franconia) (October 19, 1524)

Peasant Rebels of 1525 (1525)