Display: 1-21 of 21 Results

Heinrich Himmler Trains for the Reich Sport Badge in Silver (1936)

Law for the Prevention of Offspring with Hereditary Diseases (July 14, 1933)

Himmler’s Commentary on Page 33 (Volume 2) of Mein Kampf: “The Possibility of De-miscegenation Exists” (1927)

Two Perspectives on Nazi “Mercy Killing”: SS Article from Das Schwarze Korps (1937) and Letter from Helene (1940)

The Nazi View of Disability: Erbkrank (1936)

Comparison of Daily Living Costs for an Individual with a Hereditary Disease and for a Healthy Family (from the Slide Series “Blood and Soil”) (c. 1935)

National Socialist Racial Science: Comparison of an “Aryan” and a “Non-Aryan” Head (from the Slide Series “Blood and Soil”) (c. 1935)

National Socialist Racial Science: Comparison of the “Nordic” and “Negroid” Races (from the Slide Series “Blood and Soil”) (c. 1935)

Group Photo of an SS Wedding on the Grounds of the Main Office for Race and Settlement (1936)

National Socialist Racial Science: Color Palettes for Eye-Color Classification (1937)

“The Nazi State Protects the German People from Vermin through its Criminal Code and its Racial Legislation against the Reproduction of Inferiors” (Nazi Publication, 1937)

Woman with Two Children in Front of the Breast Milk Collection Site of the Health Office in Berlin-Wilmersdorf (1936)

T4 Registration Form (1939/1940)

“Our People in Danger” (1934)

Room for Newborns in the “Lebensborn” Association Maternity Home in Steinhöring (Upper Bavaria) (1938)

Himmler’s Secret Directive on the Care of All Legitimate and Illegitimate Children of “Good Blood” (October 28, 1939)

Laboratory Workers at the Institute for Hygiene in Hamburg (1937)

Reich Minister of Health Dr. Leonardo Conti Speaks with Hitler’s Personal Physician, Dr. Karl Brandt (August 1, 1942)

Nazi and American Eugenicists (1937)

Martin Bormann’s Note on “Safeguarding the Future of the German People” (January 29, 1944)

Himmler’s Response to Complaints about his “Procreation Decree” (January 30, 1940)