Display: 26-44 of 44 Results

The Frauenkirche in Dresden Before and After Reconstruction (1985-2012)

German Historical Museum (February 28, 2003)

Christo and Jeanne Claude Wrap the Reichstag (Retrospective Account, 2015)

A City Planner Describes the New Government Quarter in Berlin (2001)

Palace Square [Schlossplatz] in Berlin before and after the Destruction of the Palace of the Republic (October 24 and December 2, 2008)

New Government Quarter in Berlin (May 10, 2000)

Berlin’s “Federal Ribbon” (2005)

The Rebuilding of the Hohenzollern Palace in Berlin (2015)

Layout of the Residence and Capital City of Würzburg in the Year 1723 (1723-24)

Construction of the Würzburg Residence of Prince-Bishop Karl von Schönborn (1731)

View of Nymphenburg Palace from the Park Side (c. 1761)

Perspectival View of Karlsruhe and the Residence (1739)

The Imperial Palace at Schönbrunn, Garden Side (1759-60)

Schloss Hof, View from the Gardens (1759-60)

View from the Gardens of Sanssouci Palace at Potsdam (c. 1750)

Interior of Church at the Benedictine Monastery in Melk (built 1702-36)

A Performance at the Old Dresden Opera House at the “Zwinger” (1719)

The Church of St. Charles in Vienna (1720)

Model of the “World Capital Germania,” Following Plans by Albert Speer (1939)