Display: 1-25 of 25 Results

On the New Canal near Berlin (1864)

State-Controlled Vacations in East Germany (May 23, 1963)

Summer Vacation (1962)

Beach Vacation (1964)

The Shift from Movies to Television in the Federal Republic (May 8, 1965)

A Union Justifies the Introduction of the Forty-Hour Work Week (1966)

A British Commentary on the German Passion for Travel (April 5, 1984)

Changes in West German Leisure Habits (1983)

The People's House of Culture [Volks-Kulturhaus] in Letschin (July 1, 1953)

Poorly Planned Holidays (1953)

The Character of Leisure Time in Capitalism and Socialism (1961)

Two Articles from Neue Berliner Illustrierte (1956)

The German Camping Club (1953)

Camping with a VW Camper Van in Germany (1952)

An Outing to the Grunewald in a VW Beetle (1956)

The Hamburg Gasworks Jazz Band Plays at “Captain’s Cabin” in Hamburg (1955)

New Use of the Former Reich Party Rally Grounds in Nuremberg: The General German Automobile Club (ADAC) Hosts an Event on Zeppelin Field (1955)

The German Youth Ring: Programmatic Leaflet (November 19, 1946)

Young People in Front of a Movie Theater in Hamburg-St. Pauli (1948)

“How Much Does a Date Cost?” (1959)

Enjoying a Camera (1935)

Picnic (c. 1935)

Vacations during the Nazi Period (mid-1930s)

Private Home Videos I: Daily Life in Nazi Germany (1933-1938)

A Schrebergarten in Frankfurt an der Oder (24. April 2009)