Display: 1-25 of 25 Results

Report by the Prussian District Government in Koblenz on the Civic Condition of the Jews (1820)

Motion to Grant Full Emancipation to Jews in the Duchy of Nassau (1846)

Excerpts from Gabriel Riesser’s Pamphlet on the Emancipation of the Jews (1831)

Report on the Civic Conditions of the Jews in the Duchy of Nassau (1822)

Jewish Population in Central European Cities (1871–1910)

Synod of the Protestant Church in Germany: “Statement on the Jewish Question” (April 27, 1950)

Paul Merker to the Chairman of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany, Wilhelm Pieck, on the Compensation Law in the Soviet Occupation Zone (1948)

Decree on the Creation of a New Ordinance to Secure the Rights of Recognized Victims of Nazi Persecution (1953)

Chancellor Konrad Adenauer on the Federal Republic’s Attitude towards the Jews (September 27, 1951)

OMGUS Survey on Antisemitism in the American Zone (December 1946)

OMGUS Survey of Prejudice and Antisemitism (April 1948)

The Harrison Report (September 1945)

Goebbels Announcing the Boycott of Jewish Retailers (April 1, 1933)

Life in the Warsaw Ghetto (c. 1942)

A Jewish Newcomer in Berlin (2000)

A Jewish Writer Criticizes the Holocaust Memorial (December 19, 2004)

Ignatz Bubis, the Chairman of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, warns against Relativizing the Holocaust (November 9, 1998)

The Readmission of Jews into Brandenburg (1671)

The Old Jewish Cemetery in Fürth (1705)

The Expulsion of the Jews from Prague by Maria Theresa (1744)

Christian Wilhelm von Dohm, Concerning the Amelioration of the Civil Status of the Jews (1781)

Joseph II’s Edict of Toleration for the Jews of Lower Austria (January 2, 1782)

Frederick William III, King of Prussia, Edict Concerning the Civil Status of the Jews in the Prussian State (March 11, 1812)

Grand Duke Karl Friedrich of Baden, “Legal Provisions Concerning the Jews of the Sixth Constitutional Edict” (June 4, 1808)

Jérôme [Hieronymus] Napoleon, King of Westphalia, “Decree Abolishing Fees Imposed on the Jews” (January 27, 1808)