Display: 1-17 of 17 Results

Origins, Motives, and Structures of Citizens’ Initiatives (October 27, 1973)

Citizens’ Initiative for Environmental Protection (1980)

Squatters Occupy a Berlin Apartment Building (1981)

House Occupied by Squatters (1980)

Stuttgart Expressways (c. 1970)

Proclamation of the Principles of Urban Planning by the Council of Ministers of the German Democratic Republic (September 15, 1950)

Stalinstadt (later: Eisenhüttenstadt) (1960)

Hitler and Urban Planning in Berlin: Minutes of the Meeting in the Reich Chancellery (March 29, 1934)

Gottfried Feder, The New City (1939)

Perspectival View of Karlsruhe and the Residence (1739)

Model of the “World Capital Germania,” Following Plans by Albert Speer (1939)

Major Construction Site in Downtown Leipzig (August 3, 1999)

East German Ampelmännchen

A City Planner Describes the New Government Quarter in Berlin (2001)

New Government Quarter in Berlin (May 10, 2000)

Berlin’s “Federal Ribbon” (2005)

The Berlin Airport Debacle (September 5, 2016)