Display: 1-25 of 37 Results

Otto Edmund Günther/ Albert Bothe, Disputing Theologians (1876)

Emil Schwabe, Unresolved Questions (1887)

The Position of the Marriage Law Commission of the Protestant Church in Germany on the Draft Version of a Family Law (December 1952)

Die Neue Zeitung on the Public Discourse over the Problematic Issue of Equal Rights (January 13, 1949)

The Chairman of the Conference of Catholic Bishops in Fulda, Cardinal Joseph Frings, on the Reorganization of the Marriage and Family Law (January 30, 1953)

Marie-Elisabeth Lüders (FDP) on the Petition by the Conference of Catholic Bishops in Fulda (February 1953)

Debate of the Bill by Deputy August Schwingenstein (CSU) and Others in the Bavarian Landtag [State Parliament] Concerning the Protection of Youth against Immoral Influences (1948)

Stefan Heymann, "Cosmopolitanism and Formalism" (December 1, 1949)

Neues Deutschland Report on a Discussion about Realism and Formalism in the School of Applied Arts in Magdeburg (April 24, 1951)

The Debate about Film Censorship: Die Sünderin (1951)

Die Sünderin Causes Moral Outrage (1951)

Parliamentary Debate about the Documentary Night and Fog (1956)

Pro and contra Jazz: Joachim-Ernst Behrendt and Theodor W. Adorno (1953)

The Jazz Debate in the GDR (1955)

“Mrs.” instead of “Miss” – Bundestag Debate on Female Forms of Address (December 17, 1954)

The Bundestag Passes the Law on the Equality of Men and Women (May 3, 1957)

The Postwar Debate about Section 175 (June 19, 1957)

Jeanette Wolff: Restitution for Nazi Victims (1955)

Peacekeeping Mission in Croatia: The Bundestag Resolves to Send Bundeswehr Units (December 6, 1995)

Norbert Röttgen (CDU) and Omid Nouripour (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) Discuss Germany’s Role in the World (2014)

Bundestag Debate on Introducing the EURO (April 23, 1998)

Moses Mendelssohn, Reply to Johann Caspar Lavater (1769)

The Social Democratic Intellectual Peter Glotz Warns against a False Normalization (1994)

Author Christa Wolf Reflects on the Debate about East German Literature (September 27, 1993)

Norbert Blüm and Wolfgang Schäuble Debate the Location of the Capital (June 20, 1991)