Display: 1-25 of 33 Results

Reading Stand with Genre Scene (1820–50)

The Sewing Room (1823)

Excerpts from the Staats-Lexikon: “Relations between the Sexes” (1845–48)

Women’s Activism during the Revolution: Viennese Democratic Women’s Association (1848–50)

Commercial Marriage Brokerage and Bohemian Life in the Big City: Excerpts from Ernst Dronke, Berlin (1846)

Women’s Activism during the Revolution: Louise Otto’s Statement of Principles in the First Issue of Frauen-Zeitung (April 21, 1849)

Women’s Activism during the Revolution: Appeal of the Married Women and Maidens of Württemberg to German Warriors (1849)

Conservative Criticism of Women’s Activism (1852)

Speech by Louise Otto, Chairwoman of the General German Women’s Association, at its Third General Assembly (1869)

Speech by Louise Otto, Chairwoman of the General German Women’s Association, at its Third General Assembly (1869)

A Conservative Folklorist on Social Class and Gender Roles (1852)

First Feminist Efforts: Statutes of the General German Women’s Association (1865)

Caricature: Women’s Club Meeting (1848)

Founding of the Association for the Promotion of Employment Qualifications among Members of the Female Sex (Retrospective, 1891)

Everyone Reads Everything – A Reading Café in Berlin (1832)

Ida Pfeiffer, A Lady’s Second Journey Round the World (1855)

Ida Pfeiffer, A Woman’s Journey Round the World (1850)

Adolf Dauthage, Ida Pfeiffer in Travel Costume (1856)

The Rudolph Hertzog Department Store in Berlin (1882)

Gainfully Employed Persons and Labor Force Participation Rate (1949–1970)

“Mrs.” instead of “Miss” – Bundestag Debate on Female Forms of Address (December 17, 1954)

The Proportion of Women in the Bundestag (2017)

Fewer Women in the German Parliament (2017)

Pride And Being Queer In Germany (2021)

Marriage for All (June 30, 2017)