Display: 1-25 of 25 Results

Rock ’n’ Roll and German Teenagers (Retrospective Account, 1980)

The New Youth Program of the Communist Party (September 21, 1963)

The TV Show “Der Beat Club” (1967)

Helmut Schmidt at the Chancellor’s Ball (1977)

Punks in Fulda (1989)

Elvis Posters on Flowered Wallpaper (1975)

Submission to the Secretariat of the Central Council of the Free German Youth: Gang Activity among Young People in Berlin (December 4, 1959)

“Young Rowdies” in Berlin-Kreuzberg (1956)

Rock 'n' Roll at a Berlin Dance Hall (1955)

“The Great Head-wagging about Young People” (1956)

Poster for a Jazz Concert (1957)

First Public Jazz Event in the GDR (June 11, 1956)

Film Poster for Die Halbstarken (1956)

Heinz Kluth, “Halbstarke – Legend or Reality?” (1956)

Adolf Busemann, “Barbarization and Brutalization” (1956)

Elvis Presley Arrives in Bremerhaven as a GI (October 1, 1958)

A Bill Haley Concert at the Berlin Sportpalast (October 26, 1958)

“Bill Haley and NATO” (October 31, 1958)

“A Rhapsody in Blue Jeans” (1959)

American Music Finds Resonance (1959)

Reich Ministry of Justice Report on the Emergence of “Youth Cliques and Gangs” (1944)

League of German Girls Recruitment Poster (1937)

Heinrich Himmler, Decree on Youth Gangs (October 25, 1944)

Listening to Swing Music (1937)

The “New Right” in the GDR (March 12, 1990)