Display: 26-50 of 343 Results

Eisenach Declaration of the National Association (1859)

The National Association on a German Constitution (1860)

Program of the German Reform Association (1862)

The Second Wartburg Festival (1848)

The First General Gymnastics Festival in Coburg (1860)

The First German Rifle Club Festival in Gotha (1861)

Excerpt from Prince Clemens von Metternich’s Political Creed (1820)

Friedrich Gentz, Memorandum on “Estates Constitutions” (1819/1844)

Carl Welcker, Additions to Gentz’s Memorandum (1844)

Austrian Memorandum (1863)

Prince Clemens von Metternich to Friedrich Gentz (June 17, 1819)

Friedrich Eichhorn to Adolf Heinrich von Arnim (June 7, 1844)

The Storming of Frankfurt’s Main Police Station on April 3, 1833 (1833)

Eyes Open! (c. 1845)

Authoritarian or Parliamentary/Constitutional Rule?

Excerpt from the Staats-Lexikon: “Constitution, Constitutional System” (1845–48)

David Hansemann to Prussian Interior Minister Ernst von Bodelschwingh (March 1, 1848)

Opening of the First United Landtag on April 11, 1847 (c. 1847)

An Announcement by Friedrich Wilhelm IV on March 21, 1848 (1848)

The Barricades at Kronen- and Friedrichsstrasse (in Berlin) on March 18, 1848, as Seen by an Eyewitness (1848)

National Property (1848)

David Justus Ludwig Hansemann (no date)

Burial of the Fighters Fallen for Liberty on March 22, 1848 (1848)

The Frankfurt National Assembly in St. Paul’s Church (c. 1848)

Republicans in Baden Defend Freiburg against Southwest German Troops on April 24, 1848 (1848)