Display: 101-125 of 343 Results

Portrait of Ferdinand Lassalle (c. 1860)

Carl von Clausewitz

Military and War

Helmuth von Moltke, Memorandum on the Effect of Improvements in Firearms on Battlefield Tactics (1861)

Prince Kraft zu Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen, Observations on the State of the Austrian Army in 1854 (Retrospective Account)

Helmuth von Moltke, Memorandum on a Possible War between Prussia and Austria (1866)

Bivouac Life (1848)

German-Danish War: Prussian Troops March through the Brandenburg Gate (1864)

German-Danish War: Destroyed Mill near Düppel/Jütland (1864)

German-Danish War: Austrian Artillery Battery (1864)

Helmuth von Moltke (c. 1871)

German-Danish War: Occupation of Flensburg (1864)

Friedrich Bülau’s Call for a Market-Oriented Solution to the Problem of Poverty in Germany during the First Half of the Nineteenth Century (1834)

The Princess Charlott, the first Steamboat on the Spree (1816)

Damask Tablecloth with Railroad Decoration (c. 1840)

Medallions Commemorating the Opening of Early Railway Lines (1839)

Smugglers Disembarking at a River Bank (1830)

Mechanical Reaper (c. 1840)

Inaugural Run of the first German Railroad between Nuremberg and Fürth on December 7, 1835 (1835)

Reception of the King and Queen of Saxony at Leipzig Station (1838)

Economy and Labor

Friedrich List, Excerpt from National System of Political Economy (1841)

John Prince-Smith, Excerpts from his Collected Writings (1843–63)

“Freedom of Occupation”: Excerpt from the Staats-Lexikon: “Trade and Manufacturing” (1845–48)

Labor Unrest in Breslau (1847)