Display: 376-400 of 1,786 Results

Berthold Auerbach (1865)

Heinrich Hoffmann, Struwwelpeter (1858)

Peter Cornelius, Gunther Orders Hagen to Sink the Nibelung Treasure (1859)

Quartet Evening at Bettina von Arnim’s in Berlin (1856)

Johann Nepomuk Nestroy in One of His Own Plays (1860)

On the New Canal near Berlin (1864)

Friedrich Fröbel (c. 1840)

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1828)

A Teacher Administers a Beating (1842)

Instruction at the Village School (c. 1840)

Wilhelm von Humboldt in His Study at Tegel Castle (c. 1830)

Tutoring for Bourgeois Children during the Biedermeier Era (c. 1820)

The School (1823)

Theodor Mommsen, Moritz Haupt, and Otto Jahn (1848)

Professors in Marburg (1856)

Conference of Members of the German Academy of Natural Sciences (Leopoldina) in Jena (1859)

Justus von Liebig in His Laboratory at the Chemical Institute of the University of Giessen (c. 1840)

A School for the Higher Education of Daughters (c. 1860)

Walter Ulbricht’s Speech on the Berlin Question (June 15, 1961)

Building the Wall: Residents Watch the Construction from the Western Side of Bernauer Strasse (August 1961)

Willy Brandt Watches the Construction of the Wall Near the Brandenburg Gate (August 13, 1961)

Letter from West Berlin Mayor Willy Brandt to U.S. President John F. Kennedy (August 15, 1961)

Demonstration by West Berliners (August 16, 1961)

East Berliners Flee to the West (September 16, 1961)

The Border along Berlin’s Spree River (no date)