Display: 1-25 of 26 Results

Peter Cornelius, The Last Judgment (1836–39)

Election Day in the Bavarian Mountains (c. 1870)

King Ludwig II of Bavaria (1887)

A Family Flees from East to West over the Border in the Bavarian Forest (1948-49)

Elisabeth Meyer-Spreckels, “Marriage and Family in the Constitution: Report to the Bavarian Constitutional Assembly” (August 14, 1946)

Debate of the Bill by Deputy August Schwingenstein (CSU) and Others in the Bavarian Landtag [State Parliament] Concerning the Protection of Youth against Immoral Influences (1948)

Newspaper Article about Children of African-American Members of the Allied Forces (1951)

“Black Becomes White, or Automatic Denazification” (1946)

Camp for “Displaced Persons” from the Soviet Union (1945-46)

A Family of Expellees from the Sudetenland in Southern Germany (1948)

Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler Heights, the Obersalzberg, Postcard (March 21, 1933)

Bavarian Elector Max IV Joseph, Ordinance on “the Circumstances of State Servants, especially regarding their Status and Salary,” cosigned by Montgelas (January 1, 1805)

Elector Max IV Joseph of Bavaria and the Palatinate, Directive on Reforming the Training of State Officials (June 25, 1799)

Bavarian Edict on the Establishment of a Gendarmerie (October 11, 1812)

"Constitution of the Kingdom of Bavaria," issued by King Maximilian I, cosigned by Ministers Montgelas, Hompesch, and Morawitzky (May 25, 1808)

"Edict on Communal Affairs," issued by King Maximilian I, cosigned by Ministers Montgelas, Hompesch, and Morawitzky (September 24, 1808)


Pope Benedict XVI Visits his Native Bavaria (September 10, 2006)

Excerpt from the Penal Code of the Electorate of Bavaria (1751)

Oath of Truce Form for Cases of Banishment (ca. 1780)

Penal Law Code for the Kingdom of Bavaria (1813)

The Old Jewish Cemetery in Fürth (1705)

Charles VII, Holy Roman Emperor (Mid-Eighteenth Century)

View of Nymphenburg Palace from the Park Side (c. 1761)

Maximilian I, King of Bavaria (c. 1810)