Display: 1-17 of 17 Results

Resolution of the Katholikentag in Aachen (1862)

The Catholics: Excerpts from the Debate at the General Assembly of the Catholic Associations of the Rhineland and Westphalia (April 18, 1849)

A Catholic View of the Economy, Excerpt from Wilhelm Emmanuel von Ketteler’s “The Worker Question and Christianity” (1864)

Mainz: Market in Front of the Cathedral (1840)

Jakob Marx on the Exhibition of the Holy Robe in Trier (1844)

The Enthronement of Archbishop Michael von Deinlein (1858)

Wilhelm Emmanuel von Ketteler (c. 1865)

Open Air Mass in Munich (1958)

Decline in Religious Observance among Catholics and Protestants (1960–1989)

Adolph Menzel, Procession in Hofgastein (1880)

Geographical Distribution of Protestants and Catholics (1890)

Election Day in the Bavarian Mountains (c. 1870)

German Bishops at Fulda – Pastoral Letter by the Conference of Catholic Bishops (August 23, 1945)

Meeting of Catholic Youth Organizations in Berlin-Neukölln (August 20, 1933)

A Crucifix and an Antisemitic Message at the Entrance to a Franconian Village (1935)

Karneval in Cologne (February 19, 1998)

Pope Benedict XVI Visits his Native Bavaria (September 10, 2006)