Display: 1-25 of 33 Results

Conservative Criticism of Women’s Activism (1852)

A Conservative Folklorist on Social Class and Gender Roles (1852)

“The Commercial Councilor” (1884)

Ball in the Berlin Opera House (c. 1875)

Taking Tea on the Terrace of the Neue Palais (July 9, 1870)

“Der – Die – Das” (1897)

Taking a Morning Walk—in Jail (1880)

Laying a Cable near Mühlheim am Rhein (1880)

Munich Street Sweepers (1872)

Ernst Henseler, Tavern Scene (1877)

Westphalian Nobleman Christian Franz Dietrich von Fürstenberg Provides Instructions on the Education of his Daughters (1743)

Westphalian Nobleman Clemens August Droste zu Vischering Provides Instructions on the Duties of his Children’s Tutor (1776)

Symbolic Representation of the 18th-Century Class System (c. 1795)

Edict Protecting Prussian Wool Manufacturers: No Silk Skirts or Camisoles (November 6, 1731)

An Unequal Couple (late 17th century)

The Tailor (1788)

Educating Daughters (1750)

Educating Sons (1750)

The End of the Stag Hunt (c. 1740)

Raree-Show Images of a Noblemen’s Ball (c. 1730)

Erhard Schoen, Peasants’ Wedding (1526)

Margrave Karl Friedrich von Baden, Proclamation of the Abolition of Serfdom in Baden (July 23, 1783)

Emperor Joseph II’s Patent on Serfdom [Leibeigenschaft] (November 1, 1781)

Emperor Joseph II’s Taxation and Urbarial Patent (1789)

Anton Spreng, A Peasant Eating (19th century)