Display: 1-20 of 20 Results

Solidarity Meeting (July 22, 1982)

The Suez Crisis: “The Advance on Sinai” (October 31st, 1956)

“A Rigged Game in the Middle East” (October 31st, 1956)

Chancellor Konrad Adenauer on the Federal Republic’s Attitude towards the Jews (September 27, 1951)

Communiqué Regarding Restitution for Israel and the Jews (September 10, 1952)

The Verdict is Announced in the Eichmann Trial (1961)

Willy Brandt in Jerusalem (June 1973)

Helmut Kohl at Yad Vashem (1984)

Richard von Weizsäcker at the Wailing Wall (1985)

The Escape and Capture of Adolf Eichmann (1960)

Israel Admits to the Arrest of Eichmann in Argentina (June 8, 1960)

GDR Radio Broadcast about the Eichmann Trial (April 11, 1961)

Adolf Eichmann Defines the Term “Sonderbehandlung” during His Trial (July 18, 1961)

German-Jewish Emigrés Receive Legal Assistance in the Office of the United Restitution Organization (URO) in Tel Aviv (February 20, 1966)

Eichmann Tracked Down in Argentina June 8, 1960)

Charles Krauthammer on International Fears of Unification (March 26, 1990)

Action Reconciliation Service for Peace– German Volunteers in Israel (2008)

Federal President Joachim Gauck Visits Israel (December 6, 2015)

50 Years of Diplomatic Relations between Israel and Germany (2015)

Robert Habeck on Israel and Antisemitism (November 3, 2023)