Display: 51-70 of 70 Results

The “Sacrificial Spirit” of the Youth on Film: Hitlerjunge Quex (1933)

Martin Bormann’s Confidential Memo: National Socialism and Christianity are Irreconcilable (June 6, 1941)

Jew Süß, Film Stills (1940)

Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Volume 2 (1926)

Armaments Expenditures 1928-1943

Nazi Propaganda Film: Germans in Argentina (1938)

Nazi Propaganda Film: Berlin on the Eve of the Olympic Games (1936)

German Color Newsreel (1944)

A Danzig Street Decorated with Swastika Flags (1937)

Life in the Warsaw Ghetto (c. 1942)

Horst Wessel Song (1929)

Remilitarization of the Rhineland (1936)

“Peace for our Time” (1938)

German-Czech Committee of Historians (October 30, 1995)

The New Documentation Center on National Socialism Opens in Munich (April 2015)

NS Documentation Center Munich (2015)

From these Ashes...Free at Last?, Telegraph Journal (1990)

Writer Martin Walser Reflects on the Difficulties of Living with German Guilt (October 11, 1998)

Bundestag President Wolfgang Thierse Opens the Holocaust Memorial (May 10, 2005)

An Exhibition on the Crimes of the Wehrmacht Splits the German Public (Retrospective account, 2015)