Display: 26-50 of 142 Results

May Day Rally in Berlin’s Lustgarten (May 1, 1946)

Refugees in Transit in Ulm (September 1945)

Rebuilding the German Education System (1946)

“Der Wirtschafts-Wunder-Baum”: CDU Election Campaign Ad (1957)

A DP Camp in Wetzlar (June 1945)

A Look Back at the Berlin Blockade and Airlift (1961)

“No Experiments!” CDU Election Campaign Ad (1957)

Banning of the West German Communist Party (August 19, 1956)

National Commemoration of “Day of Liberation” (May 8, 1955)

“Demnächst nicht in diesem Theater”: CDU Election Campaign Ad (1961)

Interview with East Berliners about the Currency Reform in the GDR (October 20, 1957)

Interviews with Citizens of the Federal Republic on the Soviet Peace Initiative (January 16, 1960)

Plan Implementation at VEB Schlepperwerk Nordhausen (March 5, 1960)

A farmer from West Germany Works at an Agricultural Production Cooperative (March 30, 1960)

Memorial Celebration at Ravensbrück (May 1, 1955)

Forced Collectivization of Agriculture in the GDR (1960)

Ironworks Combine at Eisenhüttenstadt (November 1959)

Adolf Eichmann Defines the Term “Sonderbehandlung” during His Trial (July 18, 1961)

Greek Female Laborers in a Canning Factory in Southwest Germany (November 21, 1960)

Erich Ollenhauer Demands a More Equitable Education System (1956)

Modern Household Appliances (April 1960)

The Living Conditions of Labor Migrants in North Rhine Westphalia (October 21, 1960)

Fashion Show in Potsdam (May 5, 1955)

“Being In Love in 1960” - Street Interviews with East Berliners (June 6, 1960)

The Solar Power Plant in Kobern-Gondorf (1990)