Display: 1-19 of 19 Results

The Red-Green Government Lowers Income Taxes (July 15, 2000)

Truck Blockade in Schwerin (September 13, 2000)

Gasoline Price Hike (October 12, 2002)

Federal Minister of the Environment Jürgen Trittin Defends the Eco-Tax (April 20, 2004)

Financial Equalization Reform (February 20, 2017)

Electoral Agreement of King and Emperor Leopold I (July 18, 1658)

Jérôme [Hieronymus] Napoleon, King of Westphalia, “Decree Abolishing Fees Imposed on the Jews” (January 27, 1808)

The Coffee Tax (1784)

The Coffee “Sniffers,” c. 1780 (1892)

Meeting of the Minister Presidents of the New Länder (Februar 25, 1991)

Protest against the Proposed Solidarity Pact (February 17, 1993)

Solidarity Pact I (March 16, 1993)

Prussian Law on Freedom of Trade, signed by Chancellor Hardenberg and King Frederick William III (September 7, 1811)

The Prussian Finance Edict of 1810, signed by State Chancellor Hardenberg and King Frederick William III (October 27, 1810)

Introduction of the Excise Tax in the Towns of Brandenburg (April 15, 1667)

Emperor Joseph II’s Taxation and Urbarial Patent (1789)

Imperial Reform (1495)

The Grievances of Rural Subjects—Kempten (Upper Swabia) (1492)

The Imperial Diet’s Response to the Peasants’ War, Speyer (August 1526)