Display: 1-25 of 28 Results

Against Racial Hatred / No Nazis in Lecture Halls (January 1960)

Study as a Socialist, Live as a Socialist! Seminar Room at Humboldt University, East Berlin (1961)

Lecture at the University of Bonn (1967)

University Spots in Short Supply (December 12, 1974)

Demand Planning under Fire (January 13, 1987)

The “Sit-In” as a Means for Reforming the University (June 22, 1966)

Frankfurt Students Protest Exorbitant Rents (December 1988)

The Example of Angela Davis (June 3–4, 1972)

The Hambach Festival (1832)

The Storming of Frankfurt’s Main Police Station on April 3, 1833 (1833)

Friedrich Diesterweg, “An Educator’s Little Book of Crabs” (1856)

Foreign Students at Karl Marx University in Leipzig (c. 1960)

Report by the Office of the Presidium of the GDR Government on University and College Admissions for the 1957/58 Academic Year (December 21, 1957)

Lecturers and Students in the Workers’ and Farmers’ Institute of Humboldt University (March 9, 1951)

Article about the Hamburg Club “Existenzialistenkellerchen” (1952)

The Book Burning: Report by Louis P. Lochner, Head of the Berlin Bureau of the Associated Press (May 10, 1933)

Against the Un-German Spirit: Book-Burning Ceremony in Berlin (Image 1) (May 10, 1933)

Against the Un-German Spirit: Book-Burning Ceremony in Berlin (Image 2) (May 10, 1933)

Inauguration of the “Langemarck Studium” of the Reich Students Leadership in Hanover (December 9, 1938)

Book Burnings Across Germany (1933)

Reich Leader of the German Student Body [Deutsche Studentenschaft] Andreas Feickert on the Balcony of Berlin University (January 1935)

Demonstration against the Introduction of Tuition Fees (June 23, 2005)

Protest against University Reform in Leipzig (January 8, 2004)

The Erasmus Exchange Program (2016)

Students Protest the Introduction of Tuition Fees (April 1999)