Display: 1-20 of 20 Results

Occupational Counseling in Heidelberg (1978)

Vocational School in the Ruhr Valley (1979)

School Day in Production (March 1987)

School Day in Production (1980)

Theoretical Instruction at the Education Center at AEG, West Berlin (1986)

Building Renovation Work on Muskauer Strasse, West Berlin (1980)

The “Michaelshoven” Occupational Promotion Center in Rodenkirchen near Cologne (1976)

Young People Learning a Trade at the Kreuzberg Vocational Training Center (1980)

Demonstration by the Confederation of German Trade Unions (April 1, 1975)

Training Course for Women (1962)

Opening up Industrial-Technical Occupations to Girls (1981)

Graduating Class of a Girl’s Vocational School in Hamburg (1882)

Assessment of the 12th Plenum of the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany on Getting Women to Take up Gainful Employment (1961)

On the Occupational Situation of Women after 1945 (1949)

Shoemaker’s Apprenticeship Program for Members of the Jewish Community in Berlin (1935)

Reich Vocational Competition for Youth (1934)

The Dual Education System (2017)

Vocational Training: the Dual System (2017)

Hungarian Apprentices Receive Further Training in Chemnitz (April 19, 2005)

Masons and Bricklayers (c. 1750)