Display: 1-25 of 40 Results

The Congress of Vienna under the Leadership of Prince Clemens von Metternich (1814–15)

The Congress (1815)

Excerpt from Prince Clemens von Metternich’s Political Creed (1820)

Friedrich Gentz, Memorandum on “Estates Constitutions” (1819/1844)

Opening of the First United Landtag on April 11, 1847 (c. 1847)

An Announcement by Friedrich Wilhelm IV on March 21, 1848 (1848)

“Between Me and My People ...” (1848)

Barricade Fighting in Front of the Cölln Town Hall on Breite Strasse (in Berlin) on March 18–19, 1848 (1848)

The Crown of a German Kaiser is presented to Friedrich Wilhelm IV (1849)

Adolf Menzel, Coronation of Wilhelm I in Königsberg in the Year 1861 (1861)

Meeting of German Princes in Frankfurt am Main (September 1,1863)

The Opening of the Prussian Chamber on January 14, 1861 (1861)

The New Peter von Amiens (1849)

Classical and Romantic Cultural Styles: Prince Clemens von Metternich and King Friedrich Wilhelm IV of Prussia (June 1840)

Anton von Werner, The Baptism in My House (1879)

Ball in the Berlin Opera House (c. 1875)

“Imperial Days” in Dresden: Kaiser Wilhelm I Visits a Provincial Capital (September 14, 1882)

King Ludwig II of Bavaria (1887)

The “Youngest Recess” [jüngster Reichsabschied] of the Imperial Diet of the Holy Roman Empire in 1654 (May 17, 1654)

Portrait of Emperor Francis I by Anton von Maron (1745)

Emperor Joseph II on the Structure and Political Condition of the Austrian Monarchy and the Holy Roman Empire (1767/68)

Maria Theresia of Austria as a Widow (1772)

Leopold II’s Profession of Political Principles (1790)

The Wedding of Francis I of Austria and Elizabeth of Württemberg (1788)

The Political Testament of Frederick William I (“the Soldier King”) (February 17, 1722)